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Backgammon Objective:
Moving the Checkers:
A few rules are to be taking into consideration when moving checkers:
Hitting a blot: One checker on a point is is referd to as a blot and can be attacked by the opponent. Checkers with different colors may not take over the same point. There for a blot is removed when you land on it with one of you opponents pieces, which is also known as a hit. The blot is then removed off the board and moved to the bar, and remains out of play until the checker has been entered into your opponent's inner board. You have the option to re-enter your checker from the bar only if, once you have rolled your dice and the numbers appear on it match a point which is not in use by two or more of your opponent's checkers. If there are no points open on the board the player loses his turn to roll.
Doubling cube: This is a dice that have the numbers 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 & 64 appearing on them, it is used for raising the stakes in backgammon tournaments as well as matches. The doubling cube can be used at any time of the game, Any player who feels lucky and has an advantage over his opponent, can suggest doubling the stakes. This can be done when its his turn of play & he has not rolled the dice yet. When a player wants to double, he places the doubling cube with the numbers 2 facing up. Your opponent has the option to either refusing the offer by resigning, thus losing the game or he can accept it the doubling.
Your opponent is now the owner of the doubling cube because he accepted the offer, which means he is the only one who can double the stakes again, but now he can place the doubling cube with the number 4 facing up.
Bearing off: This is the final stage of a you backgammon game, the remove of all your pieces from the home board.To kick this action off, all of your fifteen checkers should be in the home board area. This apply's to normal moves as well. You bear off according to your roll of the dice, which is always from the highest occupied point in your home table. During this stage of process, you might come across a situation where by there is no checker on the point indicated from the roll. To solve this situation the player must make a legal move by using a checker on a higher point. If there are no more checkers on any of the higher points the player is allowed to remove a checker from his highest in use point. Win the game: The player who bears all of his checkers off first is the winner of the game.